Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Graduation Requirement?
- What meets the definition of Community Service?
- When can you do Community Service?
- What kind of service counts towards the hours?
- Where can I find ideas for activities?
- Can I participate in a community project that is not directly involved with a non-profit organization?
- Is there a preapproved list of activities?
- Who can I contact with questions?
- Do hours qualify that are performed through a service club?
- Can I volunteer or complete community service hours on campus?
- I have community service hour requirements as part of an activity or club, can those hours count for my graduation requirements as well?
- I did all of my hours during my freshman year; do I have to do any more?
- What if I transferred here from another school?
- I performed hours outside of the United States as part of a church group or other organization. Can these hours count?
- I have community service hour requirements as part of an activity, club or scouts; can those hours count for my graduation requirements as well?
- My family hosted a foster child during the summer and I helped out a lot with the program, can I use these for my service hours?
- Do service hours I complete with my Church, Synagogue or Faith group count?
- Can doing work for my family count?
- I am required to do community service for court diversion can that count?