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Special Services

Welcome to the Barre Unified Union School District (BUUSD) Special Services Department

The Barre Unified Union School District Special Services Department strives to meet the educational, social/emotional, and behavioral needs of all eligible children in grades Pre-K-12 through a variety of comprehensive programs.  Students may require specialized instruction, modified curricula or accommodations in order to experience success in school and meet their individualized learning needs. 

Students who require support services are often identified through an array of means including child find activities as mandated by federal law, referrals from parents, teachers, the medical community, and human service agencies.

In addition to the provision of services, our office serves as the liaison for numerous local, state, and federal programs that provide services to students including The McKinney Vento Act for the Education of Homeless Children, Interagency Coordination of Educational Stability for Students in Foster Care, School Psychologists, and Occupational and Physical Therapists.

special services admin team

Director of Special Services
McKinney-Vento Homeless Coordinator
Best Interest Determination ("BID") Responsibilities

Stacy Anderson

Assistant Directors of Special Services

Adam Rosen

Rebekah Mortensen

Alternative Programs Administrator

Administrative Assistant to the Special Services Directors
Administrative Assistant to the District Homeless Liaison

Sue Cioffi

Notices & Helpful Links

Special Services Directory

< 1 2 3 4 9 > showing 13 - 24 of 101 constituents

Sarah Brownell

School Social Worker

Cooper Bushey

PE Teacher

Karlyn Carrien

Administrative Assistance to Special Education

Norman Carter

Special Educator

Paige Chouinard

Occupational Therapist

Sue Cioffi

Administrative Assistant to the Special Services Directors

Cheryl Cloutier


Lynne Cochran


Teagan Collier


Stephanie Collins

Intensive Needs Elementary Special Educator

Jen Cote

SLP Intensive Needs

Allison Courtemanche

Special Educator
< 1 2 3 4 9 > showing 13 - 24 of 101 constituents