Senior Parent Farewells
Dear Parents or Guardians:
Looking for a creative way to tell your student, “I love you and I’m proud of you”?
Place a recognition ad in the yearbook!
Whether your son or daughter is a senior or a freshman, a recognition ad is always a great idea. In the future, seeing your message will bring a smile as they remember your love and support during these important years. And, it’s easy to create a recognition ad. Just send us a copy of your favorite photo and compose your message.
While you’re thinking of what your ad will look like, also think about the size of the ad space. Select a horizontal or vertical format in a variety of sizes and costs. Take a look at the examples in our brochure.
We can even keep the ad a secret until the yearbook is distributed (but only if your son or daughter isn’t on the yearbook staff). Reserve a space for your ad today to say how proud you are. Like the yearbook, your message will be a permanent memory. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Carpenter at
Thank you for your support,
The Yearbook Staff & Advisers
Create Your Own Parent Farewell
Please visit the link below to create your own Parent Farewell at