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News & Updates

For access to the latest news, events, and updates here at Spaulding High School, click on one of the options in the navigation box to the left.

Wilmott Thumbnail

At the SHS Girls Varsity Basketball game last night, the Wilmott family was presented with commemorative SHS team chairs outfitted in honor of Al Wilmott (1969 SHS graduate).

Join us tonight at the BOR for double header hockey games at 5:15pm and 7:15pm! Soup, rolls, and goodies will be available. All Nights of Hope proceeds go to the Al and Peg Wilmott Scholarship Fund. We hope to see you there!

Read More about Nights of Hope - Al Wilmott (opens in new window/tab)
Winooski Valley Region & Statewide Public School Choice Collaborative (25/26 School Year)

Spaulding High School will participate in the Winooski Valley Region & Statewide Public School Choice Collaborative for the 2025-2026 school year. Through this program, students may apply to a high school other than the one in their school district at no cost. Applications can be picked up in the Spaulding High School Counseling Office or by calling/emailing Lora Gaudreault in the School Counseling Office at 802-476-4811 ext. 1123 or

Completed applications must be returned to Lora no later than Noon Friday, February 24, 2025.

Applications may be hand delivered or mailed to:

Spaulding High School Counseling Office
Attn: Lora Gaudreault
155 Ayers Street Suite 1
Barre, Vermont 05641

Or sent electronically to

Senior Portraits - Class of 2025

The Senior Portrait Link is now live for you, your parent/guardian, or photographer to upload your Senior Portrait to the program.

Click on the link provided

[ ] For I am, a drop down menu will appear - giving you the option of student, parent, or photographer

[ ] Make sure to record your legal name as if it would appear on a document, using a capital letter for the first letter in your name  (example: Jane Doe)

[ ] For grade, note 12th grade

[ ] For email address, use your School Email address (this is meant for us to contact you in regards to any issues with your submission)

[ ] Messaging will be sent for verification, so you then can attach your Senior Portrait as a jpg.

If you need additional assistance, feel free to pop by LaFran's room in 206.